Finnegan, Frosty and Danny grew up being bottle-fed, so we’ve been able to watch them grow and learn their unique traits. We found that Frosty and Danny have melodic voices complete with your typical goat vibrato. Then there’s Finnegan…no vibrato, no pleasant tone, no sense of volume. Just a wide eyed, “BAAAAAHH!” like a bleating idiot.

Now that you’ve been formally introduced, here’s what happened last night.
It was about 2:00 AM when Aidan woke up wanting his bottle. He fussed for a little bit with sleepy frustration while I made the formula, but when he was in Mommy’s arms he became fully alert and cried with all his might. Well our windows were open and the goats heard his cry and became concerned.
Aidan: Waaaaaaah!
Danny: Bah-ah-ah-ah.
Frosty: Bah-ah-ah-ah.
Babies and goats can sound awful similar, so they thought one of their own was in trouble and Finnegan wasn’t about to miss a chance to bawl into the darkness.