Erin said it was tough picking out a puppy. After all, it was going to be the dog we have for the next ten plus years. She spent a long time examining the pups but there was one instance that sealed the decision. Clouds had rolled in and static began to accumulate. Then, CRASH! Lightening and thunder boomed overhead and the puppies ran yelping to their box. Guess who got to the box first and waited for all the other pups to get inside before he did? That’s why Erin chose Hunter, because he showed true bravery.

Hunter is a great ranch dog and exceedingly intelligent. He knows sit, down, come, stay, stand, hop, roll over, spin, drop it, get it, and "Psssss!" which means to get after the cat. Knowing tricks is always great, but learning on the fly and thinking fast are things you just can't teach. The best example would be when I was a nimrod and left the gate open to the horse pasture. One of the horses, Astro, decided to meander through it. Neither Erin nor I were close enough to stop him from getting loose. We ran anyway yelling, "Whoa!" to no avail. Hunter knew what we wanted, he stood at the gate and barked at the 1500 pound animal. Astro stopped.
Thanks Hunter!
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